Showing all posts tagged #lumat:

Thoughts on preprint services

Posted on December 27th, 2023

After 15 years experience of scientific book and journal publishing from various perspectives, such as journal founder, editor, reviewer, author, funder, entrepreneur etc., I found preprints. They seem to be a solution for slow review times. Background...

How to get an impact factor for a journal?

Posted on March 25th, 2020

As the Managing Editor of LUMAT, one of my main challenge for future is to get an impact factor for the journal. How can I achieve that?The importance of indexingI have been running my ME position in LUMAT a little over two years. During that time...

Johannes Pernaa

Tutkija, opettaja, tietokirjailija ja yrittäjä

Chemistry education scholar and lecturer at the University of Helsinki, Finland

Blogissani käsittelen mielenkiintoisina pitämiäni asioita, kuten esim. innovaatioita, oppimista, kemiaa, kustannusalaa ja avointa tiedettä.

This blog reflects my work related thinking.