Secure open access and document relations via TUHAT
Posted on March 6th, 2023
University of Helsinki uses Pure as a the user interface for the institutional TUHAT research data system. For us researchers it is extremely important to deposit all publications to our Research Portal to support open science.
Basic level: Green open access
The basic level of TUHAT work is to secure the green OA by depositing the DOI and the latest the accepted author version. The PDF is needed even the paper would already be published in a gold OA journal, but then of course use the published version.
Advanced level: Deposit everything and crosslink
The advanced level TUHAT work is to deposit everything. Things go a little more difficult when research starts to deposit book chapters etc. The green OA terms are not often described in the publishing contract but in many cases they can be found from the publishers' websites.
For example, this book chapter "Promoting science via ICT in LUMA" was published in a book published by the Peter Lang. They offer an CC BY publication with an 12 months embargo. However, this knowledge was not mentioned in the publishing agreement but it was described in a page called "Repository Policy". I did now this but in the University of Helsinki (UH) our library information science specialists give help. All my problems have been solved every time.
In addition to deposition, the crosslinking of research outputs, projects and activities etc. is essential. The crosslinking shows the total impact behind a particular publication. For example, our latest research paper "Promoting STEM via SBC computers" has been presented in two conferences, was part of a course and a central objective for the research visit.
How do we remember all of this if we don't document our work via TUHAT?

Graphical abstract of the Promoting STEM via SBC computers article.
The take home message is that even this seems sometimes difficult, it is mandatory to deposit everything in the institutional repository. For example in Finland, 14 % of all the public funding allocated to universities is determined by the publications. In the UH case, they are calculated via the items found in TUHAT.
Cited paper
Ambrož, M.; Pernaa, J.; Haatainen, O.; Aksela, M. Promoting STEM Education of Future Chemistry Teachers with an Engineering Approach Involving Single-Board Computers. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3278.